Ide írhatod a honlap főcímét, ami legfeljebb 75 karakter lehet!

Ide írhatod maximum 250 karakter hosszúságban a honlap leírását ill. szlogenjét. A leírás fontos a weboldal látogatottá tételében, ezért érdemes jól megszövegezni.

Thomas Becket became famous following his murder. He was promoted by the Christian Church as a martyr and images of midwestemma and scenes from his life became widespread in just a few years. In a pattern often repeated what started as an explosion of popularity turned into long-lasting fame pilgrimages to Canterbury Cathedral where he was killed became instantly fashionable and the fascination with his life and death have inspired plays and films.

Weblap látogatottság számláló:

Mai: 1
Tegnapi: 1
Heti: 12
Havi: 36
Össz.: 1 202

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